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Lisa Hendey & Friends

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Dec 15, 2020

On this week's show, Jessica Ptomey, author of the book Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith, invites listeners to consider their own faith perspectives by sharing her personal journey into the Catholic Church.
About Jessica Ptomey:
Jessica Ptomey is a Catholic convert, wife, mom, writer, Communications scholar and professor, and homeschooler. She blogs at She is the author of Home in the Church: Living an Embodied Catholic Faith, and her research in inter-faith dialogue has been published in the Journal of Communication and Religion (JCR). She is also the co-host with her husband Mike of The Catholic Reading Challenge podcast.
About Home in the Church:
Home in the Church calls Catholics living in the modern world back to a distinctly Catholic way of living and vision of Mother Church as the home on earth that is leading them to their heavenly home. Catholic Convert, Jessica Ptomey, describes her journey to a more embodied Christian faith in the Catholic Church, and she invites readers to the same experience. She discusses the embodied nature of faith in the home, in the celebrations of the liturgical calendar, in the liturgy of the Mass, in personal prayer, in the intercession of the saints, in the sacraments, and in a redemptive view of suffering.
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